Delaine came to visit today.. we picked up just where we left off last time i saw her in the Summer I finally gave her a card i made for her 5 years ago which got mislaid in a move..
I found out too late that the Tate modern were showing Vivienne Dick's films over the weekend.. and that on Friday night there would be a performance by Lydia Lunch and a Q+A by one of my all time photographic heroes, Nan Goldin.. it was completely sold out. I decided to go down anyway and by a huge stroke of luck (thanks Gil!) managed to get in at the 11th hour. It was an incredible evening which started with Lydia's performance before the screening which silenced the packed auditorium with awe. The films and music were disarming, tense, threatening, beautiful and haunting. The power of the images, colours and sounds have stayed with me over the last few days. The rollercoaster scene in She Had Her Gun All Ready is an unbelievable cinematic moment.. I would love to post it here but cannot find any clips on youtube. So instead I will sign off with this song by The Marvellettes, which plays in the most sublime and tender dancing scene in Beauty Becomes The Beast.. filmed in Nan Goldin's loft on the Lower East Side.
Last night i kept dreaming about this apocalyptic scene... If you haven't managed to see The Surreal House yet at the Barbican go this weekend before it closes.